Our maize farm is sitting on a 15 acres land at the moment, we are looking at expanding by 35 acres every year to accommodate and fill the agriculture market in Nigeria.
At ABTO LIMITED cultivation of maize or corn from the seed stage to the marketing of the harvested maize or corn is our paramount objective. Maize farming is inarguably the most popular type of crop cultivation or farming in Nigeria.
Maize is a staple food in Nigeria and hugely consumed by Nigerians. Most Nigerians will consume maize or its derivatives at least once every day. We use Pioneer Corn Seed. Hybrid Dupont Pioneer Hybrid maize seed is one of the most popular hybrid maize seeds in Nigeria. This hybrid maize seeds can grow in all regions in Nigeria. It has good tolerances and resistance to a lot of pests and diseases that affects corn plants. Hybrid pioneer seeds can also tolerate crowding unlike other maize varieties. This maize variety can yield up to 12 tons per hectare.
1. Grain colour: Yellow
2. Grain Type: Flint
3. Morphological Characteristics: Medium height; dark-green leaves; sturdy stem; purple silks; strong prop roots
4. Adaptation: Forest, Forest transition, Southern guinea, and Northern guinea ecologies
5. Maturity Classification: 85 – 95 days
6. Achievable Minimum Yield: 7 – 8 metric tons per hectare
7. Pest / Disease Tolerance: Tolerant to, leaf blight, curvularia leaf spot, downy mildew, maize streak virus and rust
8. Outstanding Characteristics: Excellent stay-green characteristics; uniform ear placement; good standability; high protein content; tolerant to drought.
9. Grain Nutrient Content:
Our Weeding process increases our yield in maize farming by 90%. We at ABTO Limited endeavour to keep our maize farm free of weeds. We ensure that no weed is visible on our maize farm. Weeds share water and nutrients with plants, they can starve crops of the important nutrients they need to grow well. Weeds also harbour pests and diseases which can be transferred to your crops.
Our first few weeks of planting, we ensure that our maize farming determines about 40-50% of the yield of the crop. We strive to have a weed free maize farm this on our farms always. We as a commercial maize farmer, we cannot hand weed our maize farm, we have a decision that it is better we use the recommended herbicides for maize crop. We have decided to use the best pre-emergence herbicides and post-emergence herbicides in the market for our maize farming.
From our research, we have decided strategically to use both inorganic fertilisers and organic fertilisers (manure). We as commercial maize farmer, looking at maize as a crop is a nutrient hungry crop. Our maize crop needs a lot of nutrients especially nitrogen.
We at ABTO Limited have identified that pests and diseases can mess up maize farm and record huge losses. This will also affect us by not meeting our customers demands. We have made sure we use all the recommended pesticides and disease control techniques when cultivating maize. The most destructive of all maize pests is the army worm. We are using the best pesticides in the market for army worm before infestation. Remember, in farming, prevention is better than cure.
There are nematicides, fungicides, bactericides, rodenticides, insecticides and acaricides that can be used to manage pests and diseases in maize farming.
We have made sure to insure our maize farms against all forms of insurable risks. We can assure all our customers of a guaranteed maize products through this scheme.
Dry season maize farming in Nigeria is far more challenging than other seasons due to the availability of adequate water. However, there is a catch, the question is how do we get adequate water for our dry season maize farming? Irrigation is the answer; We have provided irrigation facilities for our maize farm in order to reap the benefits of dry season maize farming in Nigeria and also to meet our customer’s need.
We at ABTO have made a strategic decision to use Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation which are the appropriate types of irrigation for our maize farming in Nigeria.
Drip irrigation is the best type of irrigation, even though using it may not be justifiable given the low value of maize grains in the market. However, we have made the society needs our priority and by doing this we believe at we will be able to serve and fill a gap in the agricultural industry in Nigeria.
Get In Touch
5, Raheem Bamisoro Street, Off Wadala, Epe, Lagos.